
Articles written by Parakh Singhal

Polly – Immediate Retry Pattern


I previously wrote an article detailing the retry resilience pattern and its implementation in Polly framework. The article is a bit long and provides an overview of what needs to be done to implement the resilience in an ASP.Net web API setting. This article is more targeted in nature and picks up from the previous article and focuses on implementation of the immediate retry pattern.

Immediate Retry Pattern

Among the retry patterns available in Polly, the immediate retry pattern is perhaps the simplest to understand. The pattern calls the failed service or dependency immediately without any delay between the original and the subsequent retry calls. Since this pattern does not generally provide time to the failed service or dependency to recuperate and serve back, it is generally used where the service or dependency seldom fails. It is also applied where the response times are crucial to maintain a good user experience. Some examples include a heartbeat service, disk write service in an operating system etc.

Retry Pattern Swimlane Diagram

Figure 1 Retry Pattern Swimlane Diagram


We will simulate a machine-to-machine communication where a Web API project will act as a server and another Web API server will act as a consumer of the service end point exposed by the server project. The consumer project will implement Polly resilience framework. Since I have covered the basics of Polly framework and covered topics like strategies, pipelines and their implementation in a code example in detail in my previous article, I will just gloss over the main details here.


Figure 2 Project structure

A server project serves an action method and randomly allows only 30% of the incoming requests to pass.

public class ServiceController : Controller
    public IActionResult ServiceEndpoint()
        Random random = new Random();
        int dice = random.Next(1, 100);
        if (dice < 30)
            return Ok("Call succeeded. Dice rolled in your favour.");
        else if (dice > 30 && dice < 50) 
            return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status502BadGateway, "Bad gateway.");
        else if(dice > 50 && dice < 70)
            return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, "Internal server error.");
            return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status408RequestTimeout, "Request Timeout.");


A consumer project consumes server project’s service end point and deploys the Polly resilience project. We create artefacts that will help us implement the immediate retry pattern, which includes, the strategy corresponding to immediate retry pattern, http codes which would spurn the retry logic into action and the predicate that would be invoked in case we receive an unfavourable http status back from the server. The strategy, corresponding options and initialization of the strategy into a pipeline will be done in a special file called “PollyStrategies.cs” placed in a special folder “ResilienceStrategies” folder in the consumer project.

public class PollyStrategies
    public ResiliencePipelineRegistry<string> StrategyPipelineRegistry { get; private set; }        
    public ResiliencePipeline<HttpResponseMessage>? ImmediateRetryStrategy { get; private set; }
    private RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>? immediateRetryStrategyOptions;     
    HttpStatusCode[] httpStatusCodesWorthRetrying = new HttpStatusCode[] {
                                                       HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout,// 408
                                                       HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, // 500
                                                       HttpStatusCode.BadGateway, // 502
                                                       HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, // 503
                                                       HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout // 504
    private void InitializeOptions()
        immediateRetryStrategyOptions = new RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>()
            MaxRetryAttempts = 10,
            BackoffType = DelayBackoffType.Constant,
            Delay = TimeSpan.Zero,
            ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>()
                               .HandleResult(response => httpStatusCodesWorthRetrying.Contains(response.StatusCode))
            OnRetry = async args => { await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("ImmediateRetry - Retrying call..."); }
    private void InitializePipelines()
        ImmediateRetryStrategy = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>().AddRetry<HttpResponseMessage>(immediateRetryStrategyOptions).Build();
    private void RegisterPipelines()
        StrategyPipelineRegistry = new ResiliencePipelineRegistry<string>();
        StrategyPipelineRegistry.TryAddBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>("ImmediateRetry", (builder, context) =>
    public PollyStrategies()

Next, we perform the dependency injection of the PollyStrategies class as a singleton instance. This will make the Polly retry pipeline available across the consumer controllers. Next, we consume the retry pipeline, in our action method as shown in the example below.

Code in Program class in Program.cs file.

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
        // Add services to the container.
        builder.Services.AddSingleton<PollyStrategies>(new PollyStrategies());
        var app = builder.Build();
        // Configure the HTTP request pipeline.

Code in the action method in Consumer controller class.

 public class ConsumerController : Controller
     private readonly IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory;
     private readonly PollyStrategies pollyStrategies;
     public ConsumerController(IHttpClientFactory _httpclientFactory, PollyStrategies _pollyStrategies)
         httpClientFactory = _httpclientFactory;
         pollyStrategies = _pollyStrategies;
     public IActionResult ConsumerEndPoint()
         string url = "http://localhost:5106/api/service";
         HttpClient client = httpClientFactory.CreateClient();
         HttpResponseMessage response = pollyStrategies
                                        .Execute(() => client.GetAsync(url).Result);            
         if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
             return Ok("Server responded");
             return StatusCode((int)response.StatusCode, "Problem happened with the request")  ;


Once we run the project, and execute a request against the consumer project, there’s a fair probability that we will encounter an unfavourable http status code from the server, and our Polly immediate retry pipeline and corresponding strategy will come into action, and will immediate fire back a retry call to the server’s end point, till it gets favorably resolved, subject to the max retries programmed in the strategy.

Immediate Retry Pattern in action

Figure 3 Immediate Retry Pattern in Action

Immediate Retry Successful in Fiddler

Figure 4 Desired end result as experienced by a user

Hope this concise introduction to immediate retry pattern was helpful.


1. Polly documentation:

2. Azure Architecture:

3. ThinkMicroServices:


Please follow the link to obtain the code.

Polly–Retry Pattern

It's a lesson you should heed,

Try, try again.

- William Edward Hickson


The domain of humanities inspires different facets of human life. We, geeks, picked up the ethos of perseverance and applied it to the domain of computer science, and, a pattern was born, aptly named “Retry Pattern”.

There is a class of errors called transient errors that are temporary but, interfere with the normal functioning and execution of commands in computers, resulting in errors that cannot be reliably reproduced and debugged. Transient errors, as the name suggests, are momentary and can appear due to different short-lived phenomena, both natural and man-made. Natural phenomena can range from high-energy neutron particles to the dislocation of integrated circuits on the motherboard of servers due to tremors. Man-made phenomena can range from un-intended network disruptions to servers frying themselves due to poor ventilation.

While today’s networks and servers have redundancies and scalability built in, they cost money. Rather than having your web service be served from one server, if you have to host it on two servers, to cater to redundancy, it will cost you twice to do so. Instead, a prudent idea is to include smarts in code that can handle transient errors rather than fail the application and create a mirage of server insufficiency. One of the patterns that can help achieve the objective is the Retry Pattern.

Retry pattern, as the name suggests, retries a desired action if the action fails. The number of retries can be programmed, and the retries can be spaced apart, to allow the server some time to recover. In .Net ecosystem, Polly remains the resilience framework of choice and provides many patterns which can help us bake resilience in our code against transient errors. Retry pattern is one of the available patterns.

Retry Pattern

Figure 1 Retry Pattern

A resilience pattern in Polly V8 is known as a “strategy” and the usage of any strategy is carried out by making it as part of a resilience "pipeline". A pipeline can contain one or more resilience strategies. In other words, a resilience pipeline is a mechanism to combine one or more resilience patterns.

In this post I will show how to create different kinds of retry patterns as prescribed in various literature and as available in Polly.

Retry Patterns

Retry patterns can be implemented in the following ways:

1. Immediate retry pattern: Immediate retry pattern calls the failed service or dependency immediately without any delay between the original call and the subsequent retry calls. This pattern is generally applied in situations where the dependency seldom fails and response times are crucial to maintain a good user experience or evaluate the availability of service or dependency. Some examples would include a heartbeat service, disk write service in an operating system etc.

2. Constant wait and retry pattern: Constant wait and retry pattern introduces a constant delay between the original call and the subsequent retry calls to the service or dependency of interest. This is an appropriate pattern to be used where some congestion at a bottleneck resource may be the cause of failure of the original call, like a database. Usually, such issues resolve themselves in sometime after the original call was made.

3. Linear wait and retry pattern: Linear wait and retry pattern introduces a delay that grows at a linear pace. Thus, there will be an ever-increasing gap between the original and the subsequent retry calls made which, if graphed, would create a linear curve. This pattern is suitable to be deployed in public facing high traffic services, which can scale horizontally. The linearly increasing delay provides room for services to spin-up and come online. Examples include containerised services and serverless functions.

4. Exponential wait and retry pattern: Exponential wait and retry pattern introduces a delay between the original call and subsequent retry calls that grows exponentially. Thus, if the delay is graphed, it would create an exponential curve. This pattern is suitable for high traffic services which can scale horizontally, with the exponential delay allowing them to come online.

General outline to implement a resilience pattern

Polly allows us to use all the aforementioned patterns. The general outline to utilize a pattern in Polly V8 is as follows:

1. Create attributes compliant with the desired resilience pattern.

2. Create a pipeline using the options defined in step 1. Optionally, a combination of pipelines can be created at this stage.

3. This step is optional. Create a pipeline registry, which caches the frequently used pipelines and allows an instance of a registry to call a pipeline based on the name provided.


In the example provided I have created two ASP.Net Web API projects, where one API project acts as a server and serves a string result. It has been configured to randomly pass and fail incoming requests based on a random number generated for every incoming request.

The second API project acts as a consumer, and this is where we will implement resilience strategies. The consumer API project sends a request to the server project simulating a machine-to-machine communication and, if the sent request fails, then a resilience strategy will come into picture and will execute one of the retry patterns programmed.

Project Structure

Server Project: First program a controller in the server project with the code shown below. This will serve a string response based on a randomly calculated number.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace Server.Controllers
    public class ServiceController : Controller
        public IActionResult ServiceEndpoint()
            Random random = new Random();
            int dice = random.Next(1, 100);
            if (dice < 30)
                return Ok("Call succeeded. Dice rolled in your favour.");
            else if (dice > 30 && dice < 50) 
                return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status502BadGateway, "Bad gateway.");
            else if(dice > 50 && dice < 70)
                return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, "Internal server error.");
                return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status408RequestTimeout, "Request Timeout.");

Consumer Project: Create the Consumer project structure as shown in the image previously. In the “ResilienceStrategies” folder, create a class named “PollyStrategies.cs”. Inject an instance of this class as a singleton in the services section of the Program.cs class. This way whether we expose individual resilience pipelines or a pipeline registry, only a single instance or pipeline or registry will remain available throughout the application domain.

Now, we program the strategies. We will restrict ourselves only to different flavours of retry pattern in this port. The following are the requirements for the resilience strategies:

1. The strategy should be able to retry if the response returned by the server happens to be related to something going wrong at the server. This means that the retry pattern should come into action if the http status code returned by the server happens to be in the 500 series.

2. The strategy should be able to handle a timeout and a request exception.

3. Various flavours of retry pattern should be available - immediate retry, constant wait and retry, linear wait and retry, and exponential wait and retry.

To fulfil the requirements, we declare instances of resilience pipelines as properties and mark their setters as private. This way, they cannot be modified outside the class in which they are declared.

Next, we need to declare resilience strategy options that satisfy the requirements provided. Since they are not required to interact with the outside world, we declare those property instances as private.

public ResiliencePipelineRegistry<string> StrategyPipelineRegistry { get; private set; }        
public ResiliencePipeline<HttpResponseMessage>? ImmediateRetryStrategy { get; private set; }
private RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>? immediateRetryStrategyOptions;
public ResiliencePipeline<HttpResponseMessage>? ConstantDelayRetryStrategy { get; private set; }
private RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>? constantDelayRetryStrategyOptions;
public ResiliencePipeline<HttpResponseMessage>? LinearWaitAndRetryStrategy { get; set; }
private RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>? linearWaitAndRetryStrategyOptions;
public ResiliencePipeline<HttpResponseMessage>? ExponentialWaitRetryStrategy { get; set; }
private RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>? exponentialWaitRetryStrategyOptions;

Next, we declare an array of HTTP status codes. If the response from the server matches with one of the http status codes in the array, then a retry response from the consumer API will get triggered.

   HttpStatusCode[] httpStatusCodesWorthRetrying = new HttpStatusCode[] {
                                                      HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout,// 408
                                                      HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, // 500
                                                      HttpStatusCode.BadGateway, // 502
                                                      HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, // 503
                                                      HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout // 504

To define the options corresponding to the required patterns, we declare and define a method called “InitializeOptions”. A brief explanation of the attributes is as follows:

a) MaxRetryAttempts: Specifies the max number of retries before the strategy gives up.

b) BackoffType: Specifies the core type of retry pattern - constant, linear or exponential wait and retry pattern.

c) Delay: Defines the type of delay that needs to be introduced between the retry calls. Marking it zero for a constant type BackoffType attribute, makes the strategy an immediate retry strategy. Note that this will not be defined in the other strategy options and default options will be used.

d) ShouldHandle: The most important attribute in options. This defines how the retry pattern should handle a failed response from the server. A structured way to organize this attribute is with the help of PredicateBuilder class object. Defined using the Linq syntax, it has various methods which help us in performing various duties from handling exceptions to handling certain kinds of results.

e) OnRetry: An attribute in options that defines a callback which can be executed on a retry attempt. Note, that OnRetry callback does not execute on the original call, only the retry call.

private void InitializeOptions()
    immediateRetryStrategyOptions = new RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>()
        MaxRetryAttempts = 10,
        BackoffType = DelayBackoffType.Constant,
        Delay = TimeSpan.Zero,
        ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>()
                           .HandleResult(response => httpStatusCodesWorthRetrying.Contains(response.StatusCode))
        OnRetry = async args => { await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("ImmediateRetry - Retrying call..."); }
    constantDelayRetryStrategyOptions = new RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>()
        MaxRetryAttempts = 10,
        BackoffType = DelayBackoffType.Constant,                
        ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>()
                           .HandleResult(response => httpStatusCodesWorthRetrying.Contains(response.StatusCode))
        OnRetry = async args => { await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("ConstantRetry - Retrying call..."); }
    linearWaitAndRetryStrategyOptions = new RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>()
        MaxRetryAttempts = 10,
        BackoffType = DelayBackoffType.Linear,
        ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>()
                           .HandleResult(response => httpStatusCodesWorthRetrying.Contains(response.StatusCode))
        OnRetry = async args => { await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("WaitAndRetry - Retrying call..."); }
    exponentialWaitRetryStrategyOptions = new RetryStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>()
        MaxRetryAttempts = 10,
        BackoffType = DelayBackoffType.Exponential,
        ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>()
                           .HandleResult(response => httpStatusCodesWorthRetrying.Contains(response.StatusCode))
        OnRetry = async args => { await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("ExponentialRetry - Retrying call..."); }

Once we have defined the options that we need to associate with strategies, we initialize the pipelines, by using the appropriate strategy and corresponding strategy option. This is done in the “InitializePipelines” method.

   private void InitializePipelines()
       ImmediateRetryStrategy = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>().AddRetry<HttpResponseMessage>(immediateRetryStrategyAsyncOptions).Build();
       ConstantDelayRetryStrategy = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>().AddRetry<HttpResponseMessage>(constantDelayRetryStrategyAsyncOptions).Build();
       LinearWaitAndRetryStrategy = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>().AddRetry<HttpResponseMessage>(linearWaitAndRetryStrategyAsyncOptions).Build();
       ExponentialWaitRetryStrategy = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>().AddRetry<HttpResponseMessage>(exponentialWaitRetryStrategyAsyncOptions).Build();

Now, we have two options to utilize the resilience pipelines - Either use the pipelines exposed as publicly obtainable properties via an instance of the “PollyStrategies” class, or use a resilience pipeline registry type property to access all the instances of the resilience pipelines. The resilience registry offers some benefits like, automatic caching of recently used pipelines and automatic management of resources associated with resilience pipelines.

In the example code I have created a resilience pipeline registry, but, it is optional and, you can choose to ignore it and opt to work with individual resilience pipeline instances accessible via properties.

private void RegisterPipelines()
     StrategyPipelineRegistry = new ResiliencePipelineRegistry<string>();
     StrategyPipelineRegistry.TryAddBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>("ImmediateRetry", (builder, context) =>
     StrategyPipelineRegistry.TryAddBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>("ConstantRetry", (builder, context) =>
     StrategyPipelineRegistry.TryAddBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>("WaitAndRetry", (builder, context) =>
     StrategyPipelineRegistry.TryAddBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>("ExponentialRetry", (builder, context) =>

Later in the code, you will be able to see both the use cases, viz. usage of pipelines via properties and via pipeline registry.

Now, we will be coding our controller which will implement resilience code.

using Consumer.ResilienceStrategies;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Net;
namespace Consumer.Controllers
    public class ConsumerController : Controller
        private readonly IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory;
        private readonly PollyStrategies pollyStrategies;
        public ConsumerController(IHttpClientFactory _httpclientFactory, PollyStrategies _pollyStrategies)
            httpClientFactory = _httpclientFactory;
            pollyStrategies = _pollyStrategies;
        public IActionResult ConsumerEndPoint()
            string url = "http://localhost:5106/api/service";
            HttpClient client = httpClientFactory.CreateClient();
            //HttpResponseMessage response = pollyStrategies
            //                               .StrategyPipelineRegistry.GetPipeline<HttpResponseMessage>("ImmediateRetry")
            //                               .Execute(() => client.GetAsync(url).Result);
            HttpResponseMessage response = pollyStrategies
                                           .Execute(() => client.GetAsync(url).Result);
            //HttpResponseMessage response = pollyStrategies
            //                               .StrategyPipelineRegistry.GetPipeline<HttpResponseMessage>("WaitAndRetry")
            //                               .Execute(() => client.GetAsync(url).Result);
            //HttpResponseMessage response = pollyStrategies
            //                               .StrategyPipelineRegistry.GetPipeline<HttpResponseMessage>("ExponentialRetry")
            //                               .Execute(() => client.GetAsync(url).Result);
            //HttpResponseMessage response = pollyStrategies.ImmediateRetryStrategyAsync.Execute<HttpResponseMessage>(() =>  client.GetAsync(url).Result);
            //HttpResponseMessage response = pollyStrategies.WaitAndRetryStrategyAsync.Execute(() => client.GetAsync(url).Result);
            //HttpResponseMessage response = pollyStrategies.ExponentialWaitRetryStrategyAsync.Execute(() => client.GetAsync(url).Result);
            //HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(url).Result; 
            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                return Ok("Server responded");
                return StatusCode((int)response.StatusCode, "Problem happened with the request")  ;

Following the best practices, we create an instance of an http client and PollyStrategies class via constructor injection. Please note that the http client is a simple client without any modification done or any Polly policy (as it was known as in V7) injected directly into the http client.

The code in the action method is self-explanatory. In order to play with the different resilience strategies, uncomment the code and see how they react. You can use Fiddler or Postman to play with the ConsumerEndPoint action method. The resilience strategy in action can be seen in the console window of the consumer API project.

Immediate Retry Pattern: Immediately fires a retry request back to the server API project, due to a combination of BackoffType as Constant and Delay given to be TimeSpan.Zero.

Constant Retry Pattern: By default, sends a retry request spaced apart by 1 second. More info can be found here.

Linear Retry Pattern: Sends retry requests spaced apart by a linearly increasing time gap. The time gap increases by 1 second by default. More information can be found here.

Exponential Retry Pattern: Sends retry requests spaced apart by exponentially increasing time gap. The time gap increases by a factor of 2^n where n is the number of attempts, increasing by a factor of 1. More information can be found here.

You can combine the resilience strategies into a pipeline. Hope this simple example of introduction to retry resilience pattern was helpful.


1. Polly documentation:

2. Azure Architecture:

3. ThinkMicroServices:

Polly - An Introduction

Everything is getting smart. Not everyone, but everything.

My lamp, dishwasher, washing machine, car and everything in between, now connects to the internet and sends notifications about important events, from completing their duties to depleting levels of various consumables required in their functioning.

With all these devices connecting to a distributed and redundant network like the internet, which further hosts distributed systems that spans heterogeneous hardware, multiple software stacks and geographically separated data centers, something, somewhere, is bound to fail, albeit for a fraction of a second, but it will fail. The device may lose its WIFI signal momentarily, the router may experience a hiccup due to a power brownout, the optic network cable may experience the wrath of an excavator bucket or the server may die in the line of duty before the redundant one kicks in. All these are very much possibilities and we experience them all the time.

Such issues that are ephemeral in nature are known as transient errors in the programming domain. They are there momentarily and then they are not, and because of their non-persistent nature, are not easy to debug, as re-producing them may not always be feasible.

One of the proven ways to increase dependability is to increase availability of the desired product or service. Web services and applications run on a 24-hour schedule on servers that continuously consume power. One way to increase their availability is to increase the redundancy i.e. have the same service or application be available on multiple servers. The servers may all be in the same data center or geographically spread. The geographical spread helps in averting a situation where a single data center may experience a power outage, network outage or a natural calamity and take down the entire service or application.

But increasing availability always comes associated with costs. Every server/virtual machine/container cost to run and the more of them exists, the more man hours go in their upkeep and maintenance.

In order to reduce costs, without introducing redundancy beyond warranted, we incorporate smarts into software, so that the application keeps running the desired actions without throwing error, creating an illusion of high availability. Such activity which can introduce resilience in an application, can be achieved with the help of programming frameworks. One, and at the moment only framework to exists for .Net developers happen to be Polly.

With Polly, we can easily incorporate resiliency patterns such as retry pattern, circuit breaker, timeout, bulkhead isolation etc. in our applications and services. Each pattern deserves a post unto itself and in future I will bring more information on the patterns along with code examples.

Till then, please enjoy a video in which Late Mr. Scott Allen discusses about building resilient applications in cloud and look for opportunities to apply a resilient framework like Polly.

Pivoting in SQL Server


The meaning of the word “Pivot” in the English language is “The central point, pin or shaft on which a mechanism turns or swivels.”. And that’s what the Pivot function in SQL Server does for you. It is used to convert rows to columns and in the process aggregate data.

Pivot function is used in OLAP queries to power reporting needs. Generally, you will find Pivot queries aggregating data in temporal reports with time-spanning in years or spread over months, or in reports that span a spectrum of an entity like sales regions or sales employees.

Some important notes about Pivot:

  1. Three elements form the foundation of a pivot query:
    1. The aggregating element, accepted by the pivot operator in conjunction with an aggregation function to aggregate the data. This will appear at the intersection of the rows and columns in the pivoted result-set
    2. The grouping element, which appears on rows in the pivoted result-set
    3. The spreading element, which appears as columns in the pivoted result-set
  2. Pivot requires an aggregator function along with a spreading element which would be used to spread data in the form of columns
  3. You have to know every value that would be used as a spreading element and appear as a column header
  4. Pivot uses data from a CTE (Common Table Expression) or a sub-query for processing

Let’s dive into a working example of the Pivot function.

In our example, we will create a simple table storing customer orders. Specifically, it will store customer ids, the value of the transactions they made, and the dates on which the transactions were done.


Create Database Temp;
Use Temp;
Create Table dbo.CustomerOrders
    Id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    CustomerId int NULL,
    OrderId int NULL,
    OrderValue money NULL,
    DateOfOrder date NULL
Alter Table dbo.CustomerOrders
Add Constraint PK_CustomerOrders_Id Primary Key (Id);
Insert Into CustomerOrders 
(CustomerId, OrderId, OrderValue, DateOfOrder) 



With the table created and data keyed in, we will now run a pivot query which will help us aggregate the data in a manner that will enable us to see the month-wise spending by each customer in a given year. If you run the CTE code in isolation then you will observe that the query gives you the result with the customer id, order value, month, and year in which the transaction was done in a columnar fashion. With the help of the pivot function, we will spread the data across months and in the process of doing so, aggregate the transactional value. So, customer id and year of transaction form our grouping elements, the month of transaction form our spreading element, and the order-value form or aggregating element.

With RawData As
    Year(DateofOrder) as OrderYear,
    Month(DateOfOrder) as OrderMonth
    From CustomerOrders
Select * From RawData
Pivot(Sum(OrderValue) For OrderMonth 
in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12])) 
as PivotData
Order By CustomerId Asc, OrderYear Asc;


The result of the query when run would be:

Fig. 01 Pivoting Result

Fig. 01 Pivoting result

Now understand a couple of points here:

  1. We can replace the CTE with a subquery. Though, I would recommend a CTE for better clarity in your entire SQL structure.
  2. We can use all the columns returned from the CTE in our select clause of the pivot query, except for the column that needs to be aggregated. That means the "Select" clause can use the grouping and spreading elements, barring the aggregating element.
  3. We have to know the values of the spreading element. The spreading element itself is used in the “For” clause of the pivot query, and its distinct values are used in the “In” clause.
  4. We can use the pivoted columns in the “Select” clause of our pivot query, but only if we know their values and use them as column headers. Generally, to prevent the hassle, developers use the wild-card character to select all the values automatically.

The same query mentioned above can also be run as

With RawData As
    Year(DateofOrder) as OrderYear,
    Month(DateOfOrder) as OrderMonth
    From CustomerOrders
[1] as January,
[2] as February,
[3] as March,
[4] as April,
[5] as May,
[6] as June,
[7] as July,
[8] as August,
[9] as September,
[10] as October,
[11] as November,
[12] as December
From RawData
Pivot(Sum(OrderValue) For OrderMonth 
in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12])) as PivotData
Order By CustomerId, OrderYear;


Now that we have mentioned the spreading elements with our choice of column headers, the output of the query would look like:

Fig. 02 Pivoting Result with Specific Spreading Elements

Fig. 02 Pivoting Result with Specific Spreading Elements

Here’s the general format from Microsoft that you can use to run a pivot query on your data.

SELECT <non-pivoted column>,  
    [first pivoted column] AS <column name>,  
    [second pivoted column] AS <column name>,  
    [last pivoted column] AS <column name>  
    (<SELECT query that produces the data>)   
    AS <alias for the source query>  
    <aggregation function>(<column being aggregated>)  
[<column that contains the values that will become column headers>]   
    IN ( [first pivoted column], [second pivoted column],  
    ... [last pivoted column])  
) AS <alias for the pivot table>  
<optional ORDER BY clause>;  


Doing Pivoting with Dynamic SQL

The biggest challenge that you will come across when using the pivot function in SQL Server will be that many times you may come across new entrants in the spreading elements that will force you to upgrade the SQL query. An example of that is, say, a new geographical region came up that needs to be accounted for in the spreading element, or the spreading element is required to include the last 5 years and it will require an update every year as time goes by. To deal with this issue, we have to take advantage of dynamic SQL.

We will leverage a function available in SQL Server to aid in such scenarios. Note that the values of the spreading element are required to be delimited in square brackets, so if there’s any white space between the characters constituting the values of the spreading elements, it can be taken into account.

The way such a query will work would be:

1. Extract all the distinct values to be included in the spreading element and concatenate them into a SQL parameter.

2. While concatenating, use the Quotename function to encapsulate all the distinct spreading element values into square brackets used as delimiters, separated by commas.

3. Eliminate the last trailing comma from the SQL parameter with all the values for the spreading element.

4. Capture the SQL to be run into a parameter with a spreading element captured appropriately.


-- Declare the SQL parameters to capture
-- values for the spreading element and sql query
@SpreadingElement nvarchar(max) = '',
@SQL nvarchar(max) = '';
-- Capture distinct spreading element values
With MonthData As
(Select distinct Month(DateofOrder) As Months From CustomerOrders)
Select @SpreadingElement += QUOTENAME(Months,'[]') + ',' From MonthData
-- Eliminating the trailing comma from the spreading element values
Set @SpreadingElement = LEFT(@SpreadingElement, Len(@SpreadingElement) - 1);
-- Dynamic SQL
Set @SQL = 
'With RawData As
    Year(DateofOrder) as OrderYear,
    Month(DateOfOrder) as OrderMonth
    From CustomerOrders
* From RawData
Pivot(Sum(OrderValue) For OrderMonth 
in (' + @SpreadingElement + ')) as PivotData
Order By CustomerId Asc, OrderYear Asc;'
Execute sp_executesql @SQL;


The query gives the same result as given by the previous queries.

Fig. 03 Pivoting Result Dynamic SQLFig. 03 Pivoting Result Dynamic SQL

Hope this was useful.


1. T-SQL Window Functions: For data analysis and beyond (Developer Reference) by Itzik Ben-Gan

2. Common Table Expressions in SQL Server

3. Window Functions in SQL Server

4. Pivot, Multi Pivot and Dynamic Pivot in SQL Server –

How to Generate a Sequence of Date and Time Values in SQL

There are a set of problems that require the usage of a series of sequential date and time values. One such problem is to generate reports comprising of sales or events that would capture a sequence of continuous date and time values irrespective of whether a sale or an occurrence of an event happened on a certain date or a time value. Sequential date and time value are also required in applications like schedulers to execute the desired program at a pre-defined date or time value.

There are various ways to generate a sequence of date and time values, but of all that I have come across, the one that leverages the Row Number window function is the most performant and leverages the knowledge of generating sequential numbers that I have already covered in my previous post.

The over-arching concept upon which the generation of date and time values will depend will be the generation of sequential numbers. The pseudo-code will be as follows:
1. Generate sequential numbers between the lower and the upper bound as given. The two bound figures will be the date or time values.
2. Use the DateAdd function to add the generated sequence in step no 1 to lower bound in the unit of time as desired. The unit of time can be minute, hour, day, etc.

First, create a function that can get us a range of sequential numbers between the lower and upper bound:

-- Function to return a table of numbers between lowerbound and upperbound
Create Function dbo.GetNumbers(@LowerBound As Bigint, @UpperBound As Bigint) 
Returns Table
-- By default, the CTE will always generate numbers starting with 1 
-- going all the way upto 42,99,67,296.
-- SQL Engine is smart and will only generate numbers up until 
-- the upperbound when defined
-- 2^1 = 2 values
Level0 As (Select 1 as SeedValue1 Union All Select 1 As SeedValue2), 
-- 2^2 = 4 values
Level1 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level0 As A 
    Cross Join Level0 As B), 
-- 2^4 = 16 values
Level2 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level1 As A 
    Cross Join Level1 As B), 
-- 2^8 = 256 values
Level3 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level2 As A 
    Cross Join Level2 As B), 
-- 2^16 = 65,536 values
Level4 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level3 As A 
    Cross Join Level3 As B), 
-- 2^32 = 42,99,67,296 values
Level5 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level4 As A 
    Cross Join Level4 As B), 
-- Obtain unique integers
Numbers As (Select Row_Number() Over(Order By GeneratedValues) As 
GeneratedValues From Level5) 


Then depending upon the unit of time desired (day, hour, minute etc.), use the following query to generate a sequence of date and time values:

Example: To generate consecutive dates between two given dates, 
  we will first generate the total gap in terms of the 
  number of days (sequence of numbers) between the given 
  bounds and then use that sequence and add the days to 
  the lower bound to reach the upper bound in a continuous manner.
@Start as Date = '20210101',
@End as Date = '20210131'
Select Dateadd(day, GeneratedNumbers, @Start) as Dates
From dbo.GetNumbers(0, DateDiff(day, @Start, @End)) 


01 Generation of Sequential Dates

Figure 1: Generation of sequential dates between a lower and upper bounds

Here’s a query that generates hour values:

Example: To generate consecutive 12-hour units between the provided bounds, 
  we will first generate a sequence consisting of the total number of such 
  units between the provided bounds. Then add units progressively 
  to the lower bound to reach the upper bound in a continuous manner.
@Start as Datetime2 = '2021-01-01 00:00:00',
@End as Datetime2 = '2021-01-31 00:00:00'
Select Dateadd(hour, GeneratedNumbers*12, @start) As TimeSlots
from dbo.GetNumbers(0, datediff(hour, @Start, @End)/12) 

02 Generation of Sequential 12 Hour Units

Figure 2 Generation of sequential units of 12 hours each between a lower and upper bounds

Hope this article was useful.


1. T-SQL Window Functions: For data analysis and beyond (Developer Reference) by Itzik Ben-Gan
2. Common Table Expressions in SQL Server
3. Window Functions in SQL Server
4. Row_Number Window Function in SQL Server

How to Create a Virtual Numbers Table in SQL

A number of problems exist out in the world of SQL, which requires a range of sequential numbers available on demand. This can be achieved either by generating the numbers on demand virtually or by storing them in a table and using them as and when required. In this blog post, I will shed light on how to go about generating such a sequence with the help of a window function and then refine it to generate a range of sequential numbers within the specified bounds.

Short overview of window functions

Window functions are part of the ANSI SQL standard and are fundamentally analytical functions that operate on a section of data, called partition or window. Partition or window can be a subset of the entire result set or the entire result set itself as defined by the SQL query.

Row_Number is a window function that falls in the category of ranking functions and generates a sequence number for every row within the window as defined in the SQL query. An example is going to make it clear:

Create Table dbo.CustomerOrders
   Id                   int  Identity(1,1)  Primary Key,
   CustomerId           int,
   OrderId              int,
   OrderValue           money,
   DateOfOrder          Date
Insert Into dbo.CustomerOrders 
(CustomerId, OrderId, OrderValue, DateOfOrder) 
(1, 200, 300, GETDATE()-1),
(1, 201, 450, GETDATE()+1),
(2, 202, 500, GETDATE()-2),
(3, 203, 600, GETDATE()+3),
(4, 204, 800, GETDATE()+3),
(2, 205, 650, GETDATE()-3),
(1, 206, 600, GETDATE()+3);
Select Id, CustomerId, OrderId, OrderValue, DateOfOrder,
Row_Number() Over(Partition By CustomerId Order By OrderValue) 
as RowNumber
From dbo.CustomerOrders

When you run the example mentioned in the SQL query it will produce a result that looks like:

Figure 1 Functioning of Row Number function














Figure 1 Functioning of Row Number function

As you can see in the example, the Row_Number function worked on the window or partition created based on the customer id and has numbered the rows sequentially. There are three orders placed by the customer with the customer id of 1, two orders placed by the customer with customer id of 2, and one order each placed by customers with customer id of 3 and 4 correspondingly. The rows have been ordered for each customer based on the value of the order in an ascending manner.

I will not delve into the functioning of the window functions; different clauses associated with them or explain the Row_Number function here. They deserve an entire blog post unto themselves. For more information on window functions and Row_Number function, please refer to the information provided in the references section at the end of this article.

Creating a Virtual Number Table in SQL

There are problems like generating a contiguous range of dates, identifying gaps (Islands problem), splitting strings that use a contiguous set of numbers, and in such problems, we would require a table with a sequence of numbers. The approach discussed in this article hinges on the understanding of the Common Table Expression (CTE) and the Row_Number window function.

The overarching approach of this technique is to generate a sequence of 1s with the help of a series of CTEs and then use the Row_Number window function that would ride the sequence of 1s to generate a sequence of ascending integer numbers.

In order to generate the seed values, consider the following CTE:

Level0 As (Select 1 as SeedValue1 Union All Select 1 As SeedValue2)

When you run the CTE, it generates the following output:

Figure 2 Seed values as emitted by the seed CTE












Figure 2 Seed values as emitted by the seed CTE

We then proceed to create a series of CTEs which by virtue of cross join between consecutive CTEs create an exponential sequence of 1s.

-- 2^1 = 2 values
Level0 As (Select 1 as SeedValue1 Union All Select 1 As SeedValue2), 
-- 2^2 = 4 values

Level1 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level0 As A

Cross Join Level0 As B),

-- 2^4 = 16 values
Level2 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level1 As A 
Cross Join Level1 As B), 
-- 2^8 = 256 values

Level3 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level2 As A

Cross Join Level2 As B),

-- 2^16 = 65,536 values
Level4 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level3 As A 
Cross Join Level3 As B), 


We then generate unique sequential numbers with the help of Row_Number window function working over the complete result set as its window. The full SQL query that would be able to generate a total of 42,99,67,296 values, would look something like:

-- 2^1 = 2 values
Level0 As (Select 1 as SeedValue1 Union All Select 1 As SeedValue2), 
-- 2^2 = 4 values

Level1 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level0 As A

Cross Join Level0 As B),

-- 2^4 = 16 values
Level2 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level1 As A 
Cross Join Level1 As B), 
-- 2^8 = 256 values

Level3 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level2 As A

Cross Join Level2 As B),

-- 2^16 = 65,536 values
Level4 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level3 As A 
Cross Join Level3 As B), 
-- 2^32 = 42,99,67,296 values

Level5 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level4 As A C

ross Join Level4 As B),

-- Obtain unique integers
Numbers As (Select Row_Number() Over(Order By GeneratedValues) 
As GeneratedValues From Level5) 


As the first refinement, we can generate only the required number of sequential numbers as required by introducing the concept of paging implemented with the help of the Offset-Fetch clause. That way the total number of sequential numbers that will get generated will get dictated by the upper bound mentioned by the user. The SQL query will then filter the requisite number of sequential numbers and provide the output.

@LowerBound Bigint = 1,
@UpperBound Bigint = 429967296; 
-- By default, the CTE will always generate numbers starting with 1 going all the way upto 42,99,67,296
-- SQL Engine is smart and will only generate numbers up until the upperbound when defined
-- 2^1 = 2 values
Level0 As (Select 1 as SeedValue1 Union All Select 1 As SeedValue2), 
-- 2^2 = 4 values

Level1 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level0 As A

Cross Join Level0 As B),

-- 2^4 = 16 values
Level2 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level1 As A 
Cross Join Level1 As B), 
-- 2^8 = 256 values

Level3 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level2 As A

Cross Join Level2 As B),

-- 2^16 = 65,536 values
Level4 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level3 As A 
Cross Join Level3 As B), 
-- 2^32 = 42,99,67,296 values

Level5 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level4 As A

Cross Join Level4 As B),

-- Obtain unique integers
Numbers As (Select Row_Number() Over(Order By GeneratedValues) 
As GeneratedValues From Level5) 
-- Return the numbers between the lower and the upper bound
Select @LowerBound + GeneratedValues – 1 
As GeneratedNumbers From Numbers
Order By GeneratedValues
Offset 0 Rows 
Fetch First @UpperBound - @LowerBound + 1 Rows Only;

An example of execution of this query:

02 Execution Result of Complete QueryFigure 3 Result of execution of query between the lower bound of 1 and upper bound of 15

As the second refinement, we can create a table-valued function and execute it where ever and whenever we require a sequence of numbers

-- Function to return a table of numbers between lowerbound and upperbound
Create Function dbo.GetNumbers(@LowerBound As Bigint, @UpperBound As Bigint) 
Returns Table
-- By default, the CTE will always generate numbers starting with 1 going all the way upto 42,99,67,296
-- SQL Engine is smart and will only generate numbers up until the upperbound when defined
-- 2^1 = 2 values
Level0 As (Select 1 as SeedValue1 Union All Select 1 As SeedValue2), 
-- 2^2 = 4 values

Level1 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level0 As A C

ross Join Level0 As B),

-- 2^4 = 16 values
Level2 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level1 As A 
Cross Join Level1 As B), 
-- 2^8 = 256 values

Level3 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level2 As A

Cross Join Level2 As B),

-- 2^16 = 65,536 values
Level4 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level3 As A 
Cross Join Level3 As B), 
-- 2^32 = 42,99,67,296 values

Level5 As (Select 1 As GeneratedValues From Level4 As A

Cross Join Level4 As B),

-- Obtain unique integers
Numbers As (Select Row_Number() Over(Order By GeneratedValues) 
As GeneratedValues From Level5) 
-- Return the numbers between the lower and the upper bound
@LowerBound + GeneratedValues - 1 
As GeneratedNumbers From Numbers
Order By GeneratedValues
Offset 0 Rows 
Fetch First @UpperBound - @LowerBound + 1 Rows Only;


An example of the execution of the function:

Figure 4 Result of execution of the table valued function between the lower bound of 10 and upper bound of 30






















Figure 4 Result of execution of the table valued function between the lower bound of 10 and upper bound of 30

Hope this was helpful.


1. T-SQL Window Functions: For data analysis and beyond (Developer Reference) by Itzik Ben-Gan
2. Common Table Expressions in SQL Server
3. Window Functions in SQL Server
4. Row Number Window Function in SQL Server

Normalization In Relational Databases

Designing a performant data model to accommodate data for an application can be a bit of a challenging task for a new developer. The difficulty arises from the lack of understanding of the nature of the data itself and using the tools relational database design to divide data logically into tables. In this short article, I have tried to shed light on normalization in relational databases.

Normalization in relational databases is the process of minimizing the duplication of data. This is done by spreading data into different tables, all logically connected via relationships. Normalization is a play on divide and rule strategy in the computer science domain.

Before we move further into the article, some of the terminologies bear a small introduction here.

Atomicity: In the context of relational databases, atomicity refers to the condition of data when it cannot be broken any further without loss of its comprehensiveness.

Attribute: Attribute describes characteristics of data. That can be the max length of the first name or the fact that the date of birth of a person in an application meant to store passport details can only go back in the past, say, 125 years.

Field: A field represents a data point which is a fundamental unit that makes up a record. A field stores an atomic value in an optimized form.

Record: A record represents a complete unit of data that is stored in a table. A record is made up of fields. Column: A column is an implementation in relational databases to store a field.

Row: A row is an implementation in relational databases to store a record.

Table: A table is a data structure in a relational database that is made up of rows and columns and facilitates the storage and querying of data.

Key: In the English language the word key as an adjective means something of crucial importance. There are different kinds of keys in a relational database and they play a crucial role in the functioning of a database.

Primary Key: A primary key is a construct in a table in a relational database that can be used to uniquely identify a record. We will discuss various kinds of primary keys at an opportune point in the article.

Now let’s take an example and thoroughly understand normalization.

Example: Consider that we have to store information about books in our database. The information comprises of the following:

  1. Book’s title
  2. Book’s author(s)
  3. ISBN
  4. Publisher’s name
  5. Publisher’s contact
  6. Date of publication
  7. Cost
  8. Category or categories in which the book can be filed
  9. The book should be individually identifiable based on the ISBN
  10. The book should be searchable on the basis of one of the categories that it can be filed in or the publisher’s name

Now, the way a new developer would think would be on the lines of accommodating all this information in just one table. Let’s understand the problems that one would encounter in such a scenario.










Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

J.K. Rowling

Pottermore Publishing

Harry Potter



Fantasy, Fiction


Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions

Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths

William Collins

John Doe



Computer Science



Munshi Premchand

Fingerprint Publishing

Parakh Singhal



Hindi Literature

Per the requirements, we can have multiple authors for a book and, a book can be categorized in multiple categories. Thus, we have the potential of storing multiple values for each of the fields of “Authors” and “Categories.”

Problems with this design: Anytime the number of authors changes for a book (by addition or update of a chapter(s) written by some new author, or by an existing author selling his stake in the works) or we want to increase or decrease the categories in which a book can be filed, we will have to read the existing data, modify it and then write it back into the existing row. This is tedious and time-consuming from a programming standpoint. A simple row deletion or addition independent of the existing row(s) would be far simpler and faster.

In order to eliminate the set of problems that arise under the category of organization of data in relational databases, we have the tool of normalization.

Normalization is a process under which we minimize data duplication and straighten relationships among the attributes of data. The various stages in this process are called "normal forms." There are 4 normal forms with a focus on organizing data progressively. In this article, we will focus on the 1st Normal Form, 2nd Normal Form, and the 3rd Normal Form.

1st Normal Form

The academic definition of the first normal form is that a table is in the first normal form if a relation has all the attributes in the atomic state.

In simple words, the definition merely states not to store multiple values in a field. In our example above, both the fields of “Categories” and “Authors” violate the first normal form, as we are storing multiple values in those fields. When we store only a single coherent value in a field that cannot be broken any further, and hence atomic, we achieve the 1st Normal Form. Therefore, we need to store authors and categories separately in our table, which would then look something like this:










Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

J.K. Rowling

Pottermore Publishing

Harry Potter





Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

J.K. Rowling

Pottermore Publishing

Harry Potter





Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions

Brian Christian

William Collins

John Doe



Computer Science


Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions

Tom Griffiths

William Collins

John Doe



Computer Science



Munshi Premchand

Fingerprint Publishing

Parakh Singhal



Hindi Literature

Now we have atomic values in all our fields and the table complies with the first normal form.

But the compliance with the first normal form has given rise to another problem. Now we cannot use the ISBN field as the primary key as it exists in multiple rows.

This is a good place to introduce the three types of primary keys that may exist in your data. They are:

  1. Natural Primary Key
  2. Composite Primary Key
  3. Surrogate Primary Key

Natural Primary Key: A primary key is called a natural primary key if the data that needs to be accommodated in a table has a field that is unique and can be used to identify a record uniquely among other records. In our example, before we implemented the first normal form, the ISBN can be organically used to uniquely identify a record, thus forming a natural primary key.

Composite Primary Key: A natural primary key that is made up of a bunch of fields in the data that needs to be accommodated in a table, is called a composite primary key. Composite primary key comes into the picture when a single field cannot be used to uniquely identify a record from among other records, but a combination of certain fields is unique and can serve the purpose. In our example, after the implementation of the first normal form, a combination of ISBN and author name can be used to uniquely identify a record from among other records, as an author’s name is only going to appear once for an ISBN. Thus, the combination of author name and ISBN can form a composite primary key.

Surrogate Primary Key: A key that is not related to data naturally in any manner whatsoever is called a surrogate primary key. Generally, it is a key that gets generated automatically by the database engine. The developer is just required to select the data type of the surrogate primary key. In our example, we can implement an int type or a GUID type surrogate primary key instead of relying on a composite primary key as described before.

Because we cannot use just the field of ISBN as the primary key, we will have to go for either a composite primary key or a surrogate primary key. In our case, we can go for a composite primary key and remain within the confines of our natural data, without introducing a surrogate primary key.

2nd Normal Form

In the second normal form, we work with a table that is already in the first normal form. Then we remove the partial dependency from the table if any.

Partial Dependency: Partial dependency is a condition whereby the fields contained within a record depend only upon one portion of the primary key.

In our example, when we achieved the first normal form, we introduced a composite primary key which was made up of the ISBN and the author’s name fields. Hence, the data in the table depended on two fields that made up the primary key. To push our example to comply with the second normal form, we will have to bifurcate the data into two distinct tables – each portion of the composite primary key representing a separate table. In our example we will create two tables, one housing data about authors and the other housing data about the books.

Our tables would look something like this:

Books table with the field “ISBN” as the natural primary key:









Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Pottermore Publishing

Harry Potter





Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Pottermore Publishing

Harry Potter





Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions

William Collins

John Doe



Computer Science


Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions

William Collins

John Doe



Computer Science



Fingerprint Publishing

Parakh Singhal



Hindi Literature

Authors table with the field “AuthorId” as the surrogate primary key:




J.K. Rowling


Brian Christian


Tom Griffiths


Munshi Premchand

Now both the tables do not have any partial dependency and have graduated to the second normal form.

3rd Normal Form

In the third normal form, we work with a table that is in the second normal form and aim to remove any transitive dependency, if any.

Transitive Dependency: Transitive dependency is a condition whereby a field is not dependent on the primary key in any way.

In our example, the publisher’s contact is dependent on the publisher and does not in any way connect to the book and hence ISBN, which happens to the natural primary key in our Books table. We will push the publisher’s contact into a separate table to achieve the third normal form. Our tables would then look something like this:

Books table with ISBN as the natural primary key and the transitive dependency of publisher’s contact field removed:








Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Pottermore Publishing





Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Pottermore Publishing





Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions

William Collins



Computer Science


Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions

William Collins



Computer Science



Fingerprint Publishing



Hindi Literature

Authors table with the field “AuthorId” as the surrogate primary key:




J.K. Rowling


Brian Christian


Tom Griffiths


Munshi Premchand

Publisher Contact table with the field “Publisher” as the natural primary key:



Pottermore Publishing

Harry Potter

William Collins

John Doe

Fingerprint Publishing

Parakh Singhal

We can further improve upon the final design by adopting surrogate primary keys in all our tables. That way if there’s any update of data in fields acting as natural primary keys, we will not have to update the same in the tables utilizing them as foreign keys. Also, we reduced the duplication of data in the Books table by creating a bridge entity to accommodate the many-to-many relationship between a book and the categories into which it can be classified.

Data model with surrogate primary keys:

Normalized Data Model with Bridge Tables to handle Many-To-Many RelationshipsFigure 1 Normalized Data Model with Bridge Tables to handle Many-To-Many Relationships

In a nutshell:

1st Normal Form: Aim for atomicity of data by elimination of multiple values in a single field and identification of a field that can act as a primary key.

2nd Normal Form: Make sure the table already exists in the first normal form and eliminate any partial dependencies.

3rd Normal Form: Make sure the table already exists in the second normal form and eliminate any transitive dependencies.

I hope this article helped you in learning the concept of normalization.

Events and Delegates – Part 3 of 3

In part 2 of this series, I introduced delegates as the implementation of the callback mechanism in .net. We saw how a delegate act as a pipeline connecting code that generates information to the code that uses that information.

In this post, I will introduce events and how they fit neatly into the entire picture and complement the abstraction that we started with delegates.

Non-Technical Overview of Events

Events in real life are important occurrences which, when happen, result in something done. Similarly, events in object-oriented programming languages represent important occurrences which when exercised need something done.

Technical Overview

In the previous post we saw how we can use a delegate as a pipeline to broadcast the information from an object to the subscribers.

Events take this concept to the next level and defer the work of creating the underlying delegate to the compiler. All a developer has to worry about is creating the right kind of event that fits in the domain model.

Events can be created with the help of the “event” keyword. We have to use a user defined delegate or a .net framework provided delegate to let the compiler know what type of underlying delegate needs to be formed behind the scenes. To keep the article short and focus on understanding the concept, I will only cover the EventHandler delegate provided by the .net framework in this post.

The EventHandler delegate is provided as a ready to use delegate. Its signature comprises passing an object type and an object of the EventArgs class. The first parameter is an object of the class that exposes the event itself, and the EventArgs object represents additional information related to the emitted event that might not be contained in the object of the class itself. The delegate returns a void.

public void EventHandler (object? sender, EventArgs e);

To pass any event information that might not be contained in the object, we can create a user-defined class derived from EventArgs class, and provide the peripheral information and functionality related to the emitted event via properties and methods.

The concepts covered in the technical overview will become a bit clearer in the example code covered in use cases.

Use Cases of Events

Events are calls that are raised when programmed conditions are met. Some examples are:

1. To broadcast changes in an object’s state
2. To broadcast fulfilment of a condition

We saw in the previous post how we have to create additional code to register and un-register methods that want to use the delegates. With the event keyword we can bypass all that boilerplate code and directly work with events and event handlers.

Broadcast changes in an object’s state

I am going to continue an example discussed in my previous post. Human beings are sensitive to their ambient temperature. In the code below, we will create a class “Human” and broadcast the response of its object to different temperatures. In my previous post, this was implemented with the help of delegates, but in this post, I will use events to implement the same.

public class Human
        // Basic properties
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public float MinTemp { get; set; }
        public float MaxTemp { get; set; }
        private string feeling;
        public string Feeling
                return feeling;
                feeling = value;
                // If there are subscribers to the OnTemperatureChanged event
                // change in Feeling property will trigger off the event
                if (OnTemperatureChanged != null)
                    OnTemperatureChanged(this, new EventArgs());
        // Events
        public event EventHandler OnTemperatureChanged;
        public Human()
        // User defined constructor
        public Human(int id, string name, float minTemp, float maxTemp, string feeling)
            Id = id;
            Name = name;
            MinTemp = minTemp;
            MaxTemp = maxTemp;
            Feeling = feeling;
        public void TemperatureSensation(float temperature)
            if (temperature > MaxTemp)
                // If the OnTemperatureChanged event's invocation list is not empty
                // change in Feeling property's value will trigger the event to fire off
                Feeling = "I am feeling hot";
            else if (temperature < MinTemp)
                Feeling = "I am feeling cold";
                Feeling = "I am feeling normal";

In the code above, we have a class "Human" with five properties, of which three are of importance - MinTemp, MaxTemp and Feeling. The method TemperatureSensation accepts a float type parameter and depending on where the value stands in the spectrum between MinTemp and MaxTemp, sets the value of the Feeling property. We have an explicit implementation of the Feeling property and if there are subscribers to the OnTemperatureChanged event, it fires off when the value of the Feeling property’s underlying variable is set to a new value. In the following code, we create an object of the Human class and test the functionality of event declared in the Human class.

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Human human = new Human() 
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Parakh Singhal",
                MaxTemp = 45f,
                MinTemp = 10f, 
                Feeling = null
            human.OnTemperatureChanged += OnTemperatureChangeHandler;
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to terminate the program...");
        public static void OnTemperatureChangeHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (sender is Human)
                Human human = sender as Human;


In the code above we created an object of the Human class and instantiated it with some data. Then, we enrolled in a method “OnTemperatureChangeHandler” that matched the “OnTemperatureChanged“ event’s underlying delegate’s signature and return type. Then we invoked the TemperatureSensation method on the human object which then broadcasted the messages to the event’s subscribed members.

The code when executed provides the following output:

3 of n 01 Object State

Contrast this code with the one created in the previous post, where not only we operated on the back of a delegate object, but also created the registration and un-registration methods for the methods to get enrolled in the delegate’s invocation list, to prevent direct access to delegate object’s invocation list. We also had more lines of programming as we had to trigger off the delegate wherever the state of the object was deemed to change. The new code is not only concise but also more maintainable.

Here we leverage the code that gets created by C# compiler for us. The event keyword, behind the scenes gets expanded into a delegate accepting the standard input parameters of an object type and an EventArgs class object and returning a void. We can then enrol methods with the same signature and return type, using the overridden “+” operator. Methods can be un-registered using the “-“ operator.

Broadcast of fulfilment of a certain condition

Some conditions when they get fulfilled, warrant an intimation. The information about the fulfilment of condition is broadcasted via events and the subscribers then process the information as they deem fit.

Let’s take an example of a library where the information about successful checkout of a book is processed.


public class Author
        public int AuthorId { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
public class Book
        public int BookId { get; set; }
        public string ISBN { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public Author Author { get; set; }
        public int PageCount { get; set; }
        public bool IsCheckedOut { get; set; }
public class Member
        public int MemberId { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public int NumberOfBooksCheckedOut { get; set; }
        public List<Book> BooksCheckedOut { get; set; }
public Library()
            Books = new List<Book>()
                            new Book()
                                BookId = 1,
                                Title = "Alice in Wonderland",
                                IsCheckedOut = false,
                                PageCount = 200,
                                Author = new Author()
                                    AuthorId = 1,
                                    FirstName = "Lewis",
                                    LastName = "Carroll"
                            new Book()
                                BookId = 2,
                                Title = "Bad Blood",
                                IsCheckedOut = false,
                                PageCount = 350,
                                Author = new Author()
                                    AuthorId = 2,
                                    FirstName = "John",
                                    LastName = "Carreyrou"
                            new Book()
                                BookId =  3,
                                Title = "The Dream Machine",
                                IsCheckedOut = false,
                                PageCount = 250,
                                Author = new Author()
                                    AuthorId = 3,
                                    LastName = "Waldrop"
                            new Book()
                                BookId = 4,
                                Title = "The Structure of Scientific Revolution",
                                IsCheckedOut = false,
                                PageCount = 500,
                                Author = new Author()
                                    AuthorId = 4,
                                    FirstName = "Thomas",
                                    LastName=  "Kuhn"
                            new Book()
                                BookId =5,
                                Title = "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind",
                                IsCheckedOut = false,
                                PageCount = 450,
                                Author =new Author()
                                    AuthorId = 5,
                                    FirstName = "Yuval",
                                    LastName = "Hariri"
            Members = new List<Member>()
                            new Member()
                                MemberId = 1,
                                FirstName = "Parakh",
                                LastName = "Singhal",
                                NumberOfBooksCheckedOut = 0
                            new Member()
                                MemberId = 2,
                                FirstName = "Prateek",
                                LastName = "Mathur",
                                NumberOfBooksCheckedOut = 0
                            new Member()
                                MemberId =3,
                                FirstName = "Sumant",
                                LastName = "Sharma",
                                NumberOfBooksCheckedOut = 0
        public void CheckOutBook(int memberId, int bookId)
            Book book = Books.Find(book => book.BookId == bookId);
            Member member = Members.Find(member => member.MemberId == memberId);
            if (book.IsCheckedOut)

Console.WriteLine("Apologies, but book is already checked out.

Please select another book.");

            else if (member.NumberOfBooksCheckedOut >= 2)

Console.WriteLine("Apologies, but there are already 2 books

checked out to you.");

                book.IsCheckedOut = true;
                member.NumberOfBooksCheckedOut += 1;


new LibraryEventArgs() { Message = "Checkout of book is successful" });

public sealed class LibraryEventArgs : EventArgs
        public string Message { get; set; }


The model created above is consumed in the console application.

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Library library = new Library();
            library.OnSuccessfulCheckOut += CheckoutSuccessfulEventHandler;
            library.CheckOutBook(1, 1);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit the program...");
        private static void CheckoutSuccessfulEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (sender is Library && e is LibraryEventArgs)
                LibraryEventArgs libraryEventArgs = e as LibraryEventArgs;


When executed the following output appears:

3 of n 02 Object State

The example shows usage of event for emitting information for an important activity with the help of event. In the example when the book is successfully checked out, the event OnSuccesfulCheckOut is fired, provided that the underlying delegate’s invocation list is not empty, and the information regarding the successful checkout of the book is emitted to the subscribed event handlers.


Delegates help separation with the process of emitting the information and processing that information, events take things to the next level by raising the level of abstraction and using a more natural vocabulary.

I hope that this post helped you in rounding out the concept of events and delegates and how events are built on the foundation of delegates, which is the reason, delegates are discussed first in academic texts.


  1. Pro C# 8 with .NET Core 3 by Andrew Troelsen and Phil Japikse
  2. CLR via C# by Jeffrey Richter

Delegates And Events – Part 2 of 3

In my last post, I explained the concept of events, delegates, and event handlers at a high level. In this post, let’s take a look at delegates. Why delegates and not events, because among them, they are the tricky ones and can be understood in relative isolation.

Delegates form the glue connecting the events and event handlers and are instrumental in conveying to all the subscribed event handlers about the firing of an event. What I will try to show in this post are the following:
1. High-level conceptual coverage of delegates,
2. Technical overview of delegates,
3. How a delegate can execute a connected method, aka an event handler

High-Level Overview:

Consider the following scenario where you have a pipeline going out from a pumping station and connected to that pipeline are houses and industries. Houses will use the supplied water for cleaning, cooking, etc. while the industries will use the same water for chemical and other manufacturing purposes. Water Pumping station supplying water to homes and industries


The pumping station here is synonymous with an event firing when an action of interest takes place. The water is the information conveyed by the event, and the houses and industries are the event handlers which process the supplied water, aka the information in the desired form. Delegates form the plumbing connecting the events and event handlers.

Before we move any further, we must understand what is a callback mechanism.

Callback Mechanism

Essentially, a callback mechanism that lets us chain pieces of code together in such a way that the first piece calls the second. The call can be made in two ways:

1) Synchronous callbacks, in which the first code (calling code) waits for the second code (called code) to finish the work and deliver the result, and, only after that resumes execution.
E.g. You can have a windows form application which has a button which upon clicking starts execution of a long running process. While the process is running the windows form will remain unresponsive.

2) Asynchronous callbacks, where the first code calls the second code but does not wait for it to finish the work. The work by the second piece of code is carried out on a different thread.

Callback mechanism is known by different names in different programming languages. In C, it is known as function pointers, and in C# it is called “delegates”.

In C#, delegates form the plumbing that allows one code to call another code synchronously or asynchronously. Adding to that is the fact that they are type-safe, i.e. you can only call methods that comply with the delegate’s signature and return type. In this post we will focus only on the synchronous calling via delegates

Use cases for delegates

Delegates can be used in two scenarios:

1. To broadcast changes in an object’s state
2. To broadcast fulfillment of a condition

Delegates behind the scenes are a special type of class, which means that we need to create an object of delegate type to use it for callback purposes.

Let’s dive into practical examples that show the use cases in action.

Broadcast changes in an object’s state

Consider human beings and their sensitiveness to ambient temperature. We can create a class “Human” and broadcast the response of its object to different temperatures.

public class Human
        // Basic properties
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public float MinTemp { get; set; }
        public float MaxTemp { get; set; }
        //Delegate declaration
        public delegate void TemperatureSensationHandler(string message);
        // Member variable of the declared delegate
        public TemperatureSensationHandler temperatureSensationMembers;
        public Human()
        // User defined constructor
        public Human(int id, string name, float minTemp, float maxTemp)
            Id = id;
            Name = name;
            minTemp = MinTemp;
            maxTemp = MaxTemp;
        public void TemperatureSensation(float temperature)
            if (temperatureSensationMembers!= null)
                if (temperature > MaxTemp)
                    temperatureSensationMembers("I am feeling hot");
                else if (temperature < MinTemp)
                    temperatureSensationMembers("I am feeling cold");
                    temperatureSensationMembers("I am feeling normal");


In the code above, we have a class "Human" with four properties, of which two are of importance - MinTemp and MaxTemp. The method TemperatureSensation accepts a float type parameter and depending upon where the value stands in the spectrum between MinTemp and MaxTemp, broadcasts an appropriate message. In the following code, we create an object of the Human class and test the functionality of delegate declared in the Human class.

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Human human = new Human() 
{ Id = 1, Name = "Parakh", MinTemp = 25.5f, MaxTemp = 45.0f };
            human.temperatureSensationMembers += OnTemperatureSensationEvent;
        public static void OnTemperatureSensationEvent(string message)


In the code above we created an object of the Human class and instantiated it with some data. Then, we enrolled in the delegate object a method that matched the delegate’s signature and return type. Then we invoked the TemperatureSensation method on the human object which then broadcasted the messages to the delegate’s subscribed members.

The above code when executed yields the following outputBoradcast changes in an object's state

Now there’s one flaw in the code above. Delegate class at the .Net framework level overrides the “+” and “-“ operators, allowing the subscription and unsubscription of complying methods. It means that having direct access to the delegate object is sensitive and a developer should not be able to empty a delegate object’s invocation list by using the “-“ operator repeatedly.

We thus encapsulate the subscription and unsubscription of the methods to the delegate object via methods.

public class Human
        // Basic properties
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public float MinTemp { get; set; }
        public float MaxTemp { get; set; }
        //Delegate declaration
        public delegate void TemperatureSensationHandler(string message);
        // Member variable of the declared delegate
        private TemperatureSensationHandler temperatureSensationMembers;
        //Registration and un-registration methods
        public void RegisterTempSensationHandlerMethods(TemperatureSensationHandler methodToRegister)
            temperatureSensationMembers += methodToRegister;
        public void UnRegisterTempSensationMethods(TemperatureSensationHandler methodToUnregister)
            if (temperatureSensationMembers != null)
                temperatureSensationMembers -= methodToUnregister;
        public Human()
        // User defined constructor
        public Human(int id, string name, float minTemp, float maxTemp)
            Id = id;
            Name = name;
            minTemp = MinTemp;
            maxTemp = MaxTemp;
        public void TemperatureSensation(float temperature)
            if (temperatureSensationMembers!= null)
                if (temperature > MaxTemp)
                    temperatureSensationMembers("I am feeling hot");
                else if (temperature < MinTemp)
                    temperatureSensationMembers("I am feeling cold");
                    temperatureSensationMembers("I am feeling normal");

With the modified code, we now can register and un-register the methods without exposing the delegate object to a developer.

The code above yields the same output.

Boradcast changes in an object's state

Broadcast of fulfilment of a condition

Some conditions warrant broadcast of information when they materialize. Examples would include intimation upon sending or receiving a message, dispatch, and delivery of a physical item in case of e-commerce applications, etc.

Here we will take an example of checking out a book from a library.

We have four classes - Book, Member, Author, and Library. The idea in this example is to broadcast a message upon execution of certain activities like searching for a book, searching for member records, and successful or unsuccessful checking out of a book.

public class Author
        public int AuthorId { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
public class Book
        public int BookId { get; set; }
        public string ISBN { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public Author Author { get; set; }
        public int PageCount { get; set; }
        public bool IsCheckedOut { get; set; }
public class Member
        public int MemberId { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public int NumberOfBooksCheckedOut { get; set; }
        public List<Book> BooksCheckedOut { get; set; }
    public class Library
        public int LibraryId { get; set; }
        public List<Book> Books { get; set; }
        public List<Member> Members { get; set; }
        public Library()
            LibraryId = 1;
            Books = new List<Book>()
                            new Book()
                                BookId = 1, 
                                Title = "Alice in Wonderland", 
                                IsCheckedOut = false, 
                                PageCount = 200,
                                Author = new Author() 
                                    AuthorId = 1, 
                                    FirstName = "Lewis", 
                                    LastName = "Carroll"
                            new Book()
                                BookId = 2, 
                                Title = "Bad Blood", 
                                IsCheckedOut = false, 
                                PageCount = 350,
                                Author = new Author()
                                    AuthorId = 2, 
                                    FirstName = "John", 
                                    LastName = "Carreyrou"
                            new Book()
                                BookId =  3, 
                                Title = "The Dream Machine", 
                                IsCheckedOut = false, 
                                PageCount = 250,
                                Author = new Author()
                                    AuthorId = 3, 
                                    LastName = "Waldrop"
                            new Book()
                                BookId = 4, 
                                Title = "The Structure of Scientific Revolution", 
                                IsCheckedOut = false,
                                PageCount = 500, 
                                Author = new Author()
                                    AuthorId = 4, 
                                    FirstName = "Thomas", 
                                    LastName=  "Kuhn"
                            new Book()
                                BookId =5,
                                Title = "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind", 
                                IsCheckedOut = false,
                                PageCount = 450, 
                                Author =new Author() 
                                    AuthorId = 5, 
                                    FirstName = "Yuval", 
                                    LastName = "Hariri"
            Members = new List<Member>()
                            new Member()
                                MemberId = 1, 
                                FirstName = "Parakh", 
                                LastName = "Singhal", 
                                NumberOfBooksCheckedOut = 0
                            new Member()
                                MemberId = 2, 
                                FirstName = "Prateek", 
                                LastName = "Mathur", 
                                NumberOfBooksCheckedOut = 0
                            new Member()
                                MemberId =3, 
                                FirstName = "Sumant", 
                                LastName = "Sharma", 
                                NumberOfBooksCheckedOut = 0
        //Delegate which can accept methods having a string parameter
        public delegate void CheckoutHandler(string message);
        private CheckoutHandler checkOutHandlerMembers;
        public void RegisterCheckOutHandlerMembers(CheckoutHandler methodToRegister)
            checkOutHandlerMembers += methodToRegister;
        public void UnRegisterCheckOutHandlerMembers(CheckoutHandler methodToUnregister)
            if (checkOutHandlerMembers != null)
                checkOutHandlerMembers -= methodToUnregister;
        public void CheckOutBook(int MemberId, int bookId)
            //The operation of search will be printed out by the program only 
            //if there are members to the delegate type
            if (checkOutHandlerMembers != null)
                checkOutHandlerMembers("Searching for book and Member records");
            Book bookToBeCheckedOut = Books.Find(book => book.BookId == bookId);
            Member MemberCheckingOut = Members.Find(Member => Member.MemberId == MemberId);
            //The operation of success in finding the book and Member will
            //only be printed if there are members to the delegate type
            if (bookToBeCheckedOut != null &&
                MemberCheckingOut != null && 
                checkOutHandlerMembers != null)
                checkOutHandlerMembers("Book and Member records found.");
            if (bookToBeCheckedOut.IsCheckedOut == false)

//The final result, whether the book can be checked

//out needs to be printed whether

                //there are any members to the delegate type. 
                //That's why if-else statement with duplicate
                //console writes
                if (checkOutHandlerMembers != null)
                    checkOutHandlerMembers("Congratulations, the book is available");
                    Console.WriteLine("Congratulations, the book is available");
                if (checkOutHandlerMembers != null)

checkOutHandlerMembers("Apologies, but the book is already

checked out to an existing Member.");


Console.WriteLine("Apologies, but the book is

already checked out to an existing Member.");



The model created above is consumed in the console application.

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Library library = new Library();
            library.CheckOutBook(1, 1);
        public static void OnCheckingOutEvent(string message)


When executed the following output appears:

Broadcast of fulfillment of a conditionIn the output shown above, the program emitted certain messages related to the searching of the member and book details and successful checkout of the book. Now, remember, the domain is responsible for emitting the information, but what we do with the information is entirely in the hands of the developer. We can compose an email or an SMS and embed the emitted message or have it logged in a log file or a database.


Delegates help in separating the act of broadcasting information and how that information is consumed.
I hope this post helped in laying a strong foundation by presenting the concept of delegates in an easy to understand manner.


  1. Pro C# 8 with .NET Core 3 by Andrew Troelsen and Phil Japikse
  2. CLR via C# by Jeffrey Richter

Delegates And Events–Part 1 of 3

In my experience, if there’s one topic in C# that baffles the programmers the most, it is the topic of events and delegates. And the root of the state of confusion is not the lack of attempt on the programmer’s part, but the way the books on programming languages explain the concept – in a dry academic sense, devoid of any relatability to real life.

This blog post is my attempt to explain the concept of events and delegates in an easy way.

Events in real life are occurrences where something of importance happened to an entity. Let me elaborate on that. Consider a normal human being. Events in the life of a normal human being would be:
1. Birth
2. First day of school
3. Graduation from school
4. First day of college
5. Graduation from college
6. First pay-check
7. Getting married
8. First child
…and so on. The aforementioned occurrences would normally be considered important, hence endowed with a special term, events.

Whenever an event occurs, there’s something done. Birth of a child is celebrated, graduation from school is celebrated with a farewell party, marriages are celebrated with near and dear ones, etc.

This is what is the inspiration for the abstraction, aptly called events in modern object-oriented programming languages. Events are important occurrences in the life-span of an entity. An entity can be a button in a Windows Form, a dropdown on a web page, or some kind of a custom activity in a user-defined object like a domain class. Correspondingly, the event would be pressing a button, changing the selected element in a dropdown or value of a property in a domain class.

Whenever some event occurs or gets fired, something is done. That something is done in some defined code, called the event handler. An event handler is essentially a method, with details of what needs to be done when the event is fired.

Now that we have understood the concept of events and event handlers, let’s understand the concept of delegates. Delegates are like the consciousness that pushes us to do something when an event occurs. Essentially, a delegate is the glue that ties an event and an event handler together.

To summarise:
When something of importance happens -> Event
What we do in case of an event -> Event Handler
The glue connecting the event and event handler –> Delegate

I hope that this post was able to sow the idea of events and delegates your mind in a non-technical and relatable way. In future posts, I will shed more light on the topic.